The MORPHING avatars
Season by season, you decide if it morphs into something new


Morphys are 10k unique 1920s cartoon characters which can change their appearance & traits on chain. When a new season begins, the owner decides whether or not their Morphys shall morph into its new seasonal appearance. The morphing changes its appearance and its traits, kinda like putting a costume on your Flowtys.
The COMMUNITY collectively decides
which traits become the rarest,
season by season.

More Information

Drawn by Hand
10k NOT animated Morphys for the boo season. All traits drawn by hand.

Ownership and IP
Morphy NFT owners have full commercial rights to the Morphys they hold.
Holding Morphys NFTs grants you access to our pd streaming service
Get it with $INK

Stake it to earn $INK
Minting and Morphing costs 500 $INK each time, for everybody equally.
You can stake your new Morphys in the studio and earn 5 $INK daily.
You can mint THREE SUPES season Morphys for each staked Flowty and one for unstaked ones. This means you keep your Flowty NFT and two extra new Morphy NFTs additionally. You will get Morphys with totally new random traits, which are not related to your Flowtys' traits.
Minting the Morphy NFTs gets you new NFTs, additional to your Flowty NFT.

When a new Morphy Season is released, every Morphy owner will be able to individually decide whether or not their Morphy shall morph into a random new appearance. Morphing actively changes the traits and rarities of your NFT on chain.
IF you decide to morph, you keep the same NFT, but with new traits.

Golden Cinema Tickets
Our virtual cinema room is exclusively accessible for owners of our NFTs. You can enter it for free by connecting a wallet with a Flowty or Ticket NFT in it. Once in, you can:
Photo by TonyTheTiger, CC, edited
2. save your favourites into a list

1. watch regularly added PD cartoons & movies
1933 Betty Boop : Snow White

Join the conversation !
Love the art
but can't afford
the candy ?
WE LOVE YOU anyway.
Win a lucky Morphy NFT by tweeting about @FlowtysNFT